
Please note: this page is in development - at present it's just a repeat of the About information.

Thousands of clients with two things in common

-and it’s there, in me and my work. 

It is a deep love for life and the sheer wonder and awe of our human potential.

And I’m very down to earth.

My beliefs and values


  • Love Life with capital Ls
Above, beyond and within everything is Life and its lifie-giving principles. Your body wants to be well and when unwell, wants to heal itself. You were born to eat, sleep and move – and reach. Reach way beyond, and envision and crete. 
  • Think but don’t overthink
Complexity is our burden these days and out ur wonderful decision making powers will simply give up with too much to think about.  We risk being disempowered by overwhelm, or act impulsively and unwisely.
So giving thinking its due, while integrating with your wonderful awareness, we can work with our energies for wholeness and Life.

That’s the big picture. Now for those clients….

What and for whom and those two things in common

My clients over nearly forty years have come from hugely diverse walks of life.


For example,  people seeking absolutely personal changes, entrepreneurs and self employed people, politicians (not UK ones…), managers from the public services in the  UK, executives from businesses in Soviet Russia, Bulgaria, France, Spain, the USA – and more ….


They all share two things.


Firstly, no matter the scale of their business or concern, they all want to feel alive – fully alive.


Secondly, and hugely importantly for me to work with them, they have an urge for more, But that’s not the end of their story.


Ultimately, they want better.


That means different things to different people: finding new beginnings and going ahead, gaining intuitions, insights and inspirations that vault over problems, powering up skills to make things happen – public speaking for example. And especially in personal development, making old, disempowering habits obsolete for a new life.


And it’s all personal, upstream development really.


Fully alive and better.


For these times


I have an insatiable curiosity. See below for a list of the main areas I have studied over the years. This has given me an ability to adapt.


When I started, my focus was on NLP – changing one’s thinking: ‘Use Your Brain for a Change’.


NLP is wonderful and still there for me – and for you. But it’s not all of the story.


Sometimes, I am wordless about what I want. Often, I know what I want but can’t put it into words. In fact, I would now say that if you can express your purpose in words, you haven’t got it yet.


But you know what it is.


This is energy work. And it’s wonderful.


And at this moment, I truly believe from my own and others’ experience that our individual, authentic power, our values and our energy need to come right out.


Embody your Self.


So here you have it. Your energy, your Life.


Love, Faith

My influences, qualifications and far....

BA Hons First Class Social Philosophy & Communication

NLP Trainer, Coach and Master Practitioner

Meditation Teacher and Coach

Sleep Coach

Mindfulness Life Coach

Reiki Master and Teacher

Hypnotherapy Practitioner

Kinesiology Practitioner

Thought Pattern Management Practitioner

Breathwork Teacher

Yoga Nidra Teacher

Indian Head Masssage Practitioner

Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner

Training Trainers

Life Purpose Quest Facilitator

The Power of Awareness: Tara Brach

Tanscendental Meditation Siddha

Colour Me Beautiful Personal Stylist

More to come, I’m sure.


Love, Faith

dynamic hope
We are optimists working together.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.