Finding new ways
Light, air and inspiration
Open up to finding new, fresh ways in a complex, challenging, thrilling world.
There’s a saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
And sometimes, it really feels that way. Yet strangely, we are wired to do just that.
This workshop experience gives you the ways to find the ways: moving from being stuck, burnt out or overwhelmed right into your authenticity and inspiration. And living and being in those new ways.
Choose an issue or area of life to explore in this workshop. I will give you good notes and a framework for your future use.
Finding and activating new ways for your life
The workshop:
How can I move out of being stuck?
The how-to: The way to move on is definitely indicated in the nature in which you are stumped.
How can I discover options for good ways forward?
The how-to: Develop the three elements of clarity about yourself and what matters to you, the skill of insight and how to make well-grounded choices – wisdom.
Do I have to leave everything behind?
It’s amazing but not surprising how the fear of having to leave everything if we make a change can quite unconsciously hold us back.
The how-to: Enlivening questions for an enlivening sort out
Collecting options in the new reality
The map of that issue has changed now.
The how-to: gentle questions for creativity
How do I know which options are any good ?
The how-to: keep the inspiration and explore the real potential.
The magic question to establish the new ways from which there will be no going back.
When: February 2025
Where: Lacock, Wiltshire
Time: 9.45 – 12.15
Fee: £75
Happy days
My influences, qualifications and far....
Sleep Coach and Therapist
NLP Trainer, Coach and Master Practitioner
Meditation Teacher and Coach
Mindfulness Life Coach
Hypnotherapy Practitioner
Kinesiology Practitioner
Thought Pattern Management Practitioner
Breathwork Teacher
Yoga Nidra Teacher
Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner
Life Purpose Quest Facilitator
The Power of Awareness: Tara Brach
Tanscendental Meditation Siddha
Training Trainers
BA Hons Communication
Colour Me Beautiful Personal Stylist
More to come, I’m sure.
Love, Faith

Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.